kt ofis lg; keje da siap; tga tgu ifa siap kn keje die; nk g mkn mee goreng mamak sedap lg! T.T (bukan x serik tp critically no other places to go)
gee got 2 days left to stay here. lepas ni gee transfer operation dept. operation dept okayyy! where one of my colleagues will be mr. CJ. hehehe...
consequently, faa xnk bcakap ng gee for the next 2 weeks woooo..
sob sob ke weee?
sob sob la jugak sbb nk gosippp ng sape kt sne nti weyhh! sob sob la sbb nk karok lagu siti kuat2 pun segan lah! sob sob jgk sbb nk mkn mamee collect adiah dlm mamee pun x syokk da!
weeee la sbb jd assistant mr. CJ kottt! weeee sbb toilet da dekat, kalu x jauh jenak! dah. 2 je weeee...
wlwpn 2 weee tp including these points:
(i) tgk mr.CJ pusing2 safety helmet and quickly pkai kt kepala (mcm dlu2 bdk2 suka pusing buku kt skola tu)
(ii) tgk mr.CJ tiup rambut
(iii) dga suara mr.CJ
ckup lah tu nti ad org panas ati...hehehe
p/s- hai mr.CJ sy bdk bru blaja, kalu slh tlg tnjuk kn.. ahaks :D - gglicious